Morning Star English Medium School


Rules & Regulations

School Timings

  1. The daily working hours: 9:00A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
  2. Lunch break: 12:30 P.M. to 1.10 P.M.


  1. Children who are 3 1/2 to 5 years of age eligible for admission to L.K.G. & Std I respectively. Admission is done only according to the availability of seats.
  2. Admission the following documents are required to Produced Transfer Certificate, Birth Certificate and Aadhar Card.
  3. Admission is done on written application in the prescribed duly filled and signed by the father or mother.
  4. Registration of the name is no guarantee for admission.
  5. Withdrawal of students during the school year is not gene permitted. However where the withdrawal is inevitable, the entire term will have to be paid. Amount remitted undsA’S. The

heading shall not be refunded.

  • No donations will be asked or received at the time and is of admissions or promotion.
  • Students/parents are not allowed to give any gift/donation kind or cash to the teachers.
  • The Headmistress reserves the right to remove any pupil examination results. the roll on the grounds of indiscipline. Incompetency part of the academic year


Text Books and Note Books will be supplied by the school


The School has specific uniform All children are to put on prop school Uniform as prescribed when they attend school. Uniform material will be available by the first week of June.


On every working days the students should come in Uniform. Exemption will be granted only on the Birthday of the concerned student. Wednesday the uniform is full white including white shoes and white socks.

A Student who comes to class with improper Uniform will not be allowed to sit in the class


Fees are to be paid in two instalments

That is June and October

Pupils joining or leaving the school during the year will pay fees for the whole year

Fees once paid are not refundable

Fees are to be paid on or before the prescribed dates. Defaulters will not be allowed to attend class or sit for examinations.


  • Examinations are conducted regularly i.e. four FA’S and three SA’s and three average of the academic performance of each child for the propose of promotion shall be 50%
  • There will be an examination at the end of each term. The final examination at the end of the year will embrace the whole subject matter taught during the year Promotion will be decided not only on the final examination report, but also on consideration of the Terminal exam result.
  • The time table for each test is communicated to the student in advance in their respective classes. Parents shall know the approximate date of starting each examination from the diary part of this prospectus.
  • There will be no re-examination at any time for any reason, except when a student is required to represent the school in some activities outside.
  • Attendance on all the examinations is compulsory. As such any student absent himself/herself, from any examination shall be awarded zero for the same. Exemption shall be granted on medical grounds which shall be certified by a registered practitioner.
  • Hence, parents/guardians are requested not to ask for Exemption from examination for the purpose of marriage function, pilgrimages, pleasure trips etc
  • Pupils absent from examinations without grave reasons will be considered as having failed. Pupils absent from any examination for any reason whatsoever will not be re-examined.
  • The examination scripts of the students will be sent to the p for their personal signature and should be returned on the following Progress reports of the pupils will be sent to the parents after examination.
  • Pupil who does not have 90% attendance will not be allowed for final exam.
  • For the purpose of promoting a pupil to a higher class, along w7. Even student is expected to look after their belongings books, marks of the final examination, the year’s record of work, curricular and co-curricular, will be taken into account; If a pupil able to appear for the whole or part of the examinations for a valid accepted reasons, his/her case will be considered on the strength of year’s record.
  • All cases of doubt regarding promotion are left entirely discretion of the headmistress.
  • Promotion refused will not be reconsidered.
  • A student who fails in any class shall there by forfeit concession on the payment of fee.
  • A pupil failing twice the same class will not be permitted continue his/her studies in the school.
  • Parents are given to understand that they cannot dictate to management. The management has the right to say on what condition they will admit or retain the pupils in the school provided such condition  are in conformity with the instructions issued by the education department of the state.


A Student caught copying or indulging in any other mal-practise they will not be allowed to take a subsequent examination until the Headmistress grants him/her written permission. Such a student mu bring his/her parents to the Headmistress. Action will be taken to the student including in any malpractice according to the discretion of the Headmistress.


  1. Strict, regularity, obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct are expected from every student.
  2. Student must maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness.
  3. Home assignments shall be done regularly and carefully and submitted in time.
  4. The school premises and surroundings should be kept clean and tidy. Irregular attendance, unsatisfactory application to studies, disobedience and objectionable conduct in and out-of school will justify dismissal from the school.
  5. Students are not expected to take part in any political activities
  6. Even student is expected to look after their belongings books, umbrella, rain-coat, Tiffin Carriers etc. These should be marked with their names. They should avoid having money or valuables with them. The school does not hold itself responsible if books, clothes, cycles or other articles are lost.
  7. No absentee should enter the class without the written permission of the Headmistress. The students who are present for the morning session should not absent themselves in the afternoon session without the permission of the Headmistress. Pupils who are late or absent must bring a written application from their Parents or Guardians, and this must be entered in the “Leave Record” or “Absent Record” page of the calendar.
  8. A student absenting himself/herself from school for a week in succession without permission will be marked ‘LEFT” He/She is to be re-admitted and will have to pay a fresh registration” If pupils, for unexplained reasons, have been absent from school for more than a month, their names will be struck off the rolls, and as a rule they are not readmitted.
  9. Students must not come to school wearing Ornaments.
  10. Parents are requested not to enter the classroom or to meet the teachers during class hours without the prior permission of the Headmistress. Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should do so to the Headmistress and not to the class teacher.
  11. Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking a daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check daily the diary of their child.
  12. No School business will be transacted during holidays.
  13. Pupils must be seated in their classes at the first bell.
  14. Late comers should not enter the class without the permission of the Headmis- tress. Pupils must be on the school premises about 10 minutes before school session.