Morning Star English medium School is established in 1998. It is managed and administered by the Rev. Sisters of the society of Servants of Mary, at Chapirevula, providing requisite facility for girls as well as boys. This school aims at fostering integrated growth of persons and society through a sound education. The course study is designed to meet the spiritual, intellectual, physical, moral and social development of the children. The school prepares the student through English Medium. Broadly speaking, it imparts training, which is National in Character, International in out look towards the achievement of Universal Brotherhood. For this purpose along with academic subjects, general ‘principles of morality and good behaviour are taught.
It is a private, un-aided educational Institution. It is a catholic Christian religious Minority Institution with all the privileges that ac- quire from it. It draws its inspiration from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and his Holy Mother Mary who taught all to love and serve all human beings. Admission is opened to girls and boys from all religions and communities without any discrimination. The aim of the school is to inculcate in them qualities which would make them patriotic, upright and honest citizens and balanced personalities.